3D animation
Renatus, Latin for "reborn" or "a new beginning," embodies the spirit of renewal. This season, the Halo Track community embarks on a journey of challengers rising to new races, intertwined with my second chapter as an artist.
This isn’t just the start of a season—it’s a story of redefining everything and breaking boundaries, a narrative of true rebirth.
I took this opportunity to explore new technologies, such as Mari, Rizom UV, Rokoko, character rigging, motion capture, to get familiar with the workflow in game cinemetic or film.
Character Development & Rigging
I sought to convey the character's strong yet calm personality through texture, enhancing realism by incorporating a grunge effect. For the texturing process, I utilized Mari and Blender, and for rigging, I worked with Maya
Car modeling and Uving
To achieve realism, I collaborated with a specialized car modeling studio to complete the car. Additionally, I used RIZOM UV for precise UV unwrapping of the detailed car model.
Shot Breakdown
I used Maya for world-building and completed color grading and editing using DaVinci Resolve and Nuke.
SOFTWARE - Maya, Blender, Cinema 4D, Davinci Resolve, Mari, Houdini, Rizom UV, and Nuke
Special Thanks:
Miguel Lee Instructor
Jeff Heral Advisor
Dav Studio Mongoose Modeling
The HaloTracks Community